Clover, formerly known as Kingsley House, is a renowned organization that has been empowering children, families, and the community of New Orleans since 1896. With a legacy of unwavering commitment, Clover offers nationally-accredited state-certified programs and services to infants, children, parents, seniors, veterans, and medically-fragile adults in the Greater New Orleans area. Their mission is to educate children, strengthen families, and build a resilient community, working alongside dedicated community partners to fuel economic growth and social change.
With a vision of a city and region where all young children are ready to succeed and all citizens are healthy and economically stable, Clover is dedicated to ensuring that individuals and families have the necessary support to thrive at all stages of life. Through their early education, adult day care, career connections, community services, and youth services, Clover strives to create a positive impact and foster resilience, hope, and prosperity in the face of societal and environmental challenges. Join Clover in their mission to strengthen generations and make a lasting difference in the New Orleans community.
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