Krieger Defense Firearms Training Academy started after a lifelong interest in firearms, personal defense, & a passion for helping people perform confidently & at their highest level of proficiency. We saw an opportunity to create a learning & training environment where people could learn valuable life skills & develop an interest in family recreation. Sporting firearms training is the safest sport in America and it enables a family unity that is enjoined by a common interest further advanced by an open and friendly community. Armed Professionals: Those who are called upon by society to protect it, need the best training possible to carry out their mission. Krieger Defense is their source. We understand the importance of professional, intense, and state of the art training to ensure that our bravest warriors return home to their families after they have ensured that their citizens return home to theirs. Whether Law Enforcement or Armed Guard, you need the best - so go to the best!
Krieger Defense is the most sought after source of firearms instruction in the nation. We teach handgun, rifle, & shotgun defensive & tactical techniques with specialized programs for law enforcement and armed professionals. No matter what tactics you choose to employ, or what mindset you possess; without professional training, your chances of stopping a threat or hitting your target decrease exponentially. Without a maniacal attention to safety, nothing else will matter in the face of a reckless, negligent mistake. This is how we train our instructors and this is how we train you. It's an unreasonable gamble with your life to rely on a theoretical framework of firearms instruction. We operate from real world scenarios, under stress induced conditions that go beyond hitting paper targets. Target practice has its place, but it falls dangerously short when your life and the lives of your loved ones are in jeopardy. Advance preparation will save you future regret