Sustaining Health Acupuncture, founded by Dr. Jacqui Kinzig, is a leading acupuncture clinic in Lexington, KY. Driven by her extensive knowledge and expertise in both western medicine and acupuncture, Dr. Kinzig believes in the power of integrating these approaches to provide comprehensive and effective healthcare solutions. With a focus on individualized treatments, Sustaining Health Acupuncture aims to make acupuncture a seamless and sensible part of patients' lives, offering relief from a range of conditions including pain, digestive issues, allergies, women's health concerns, acute illnesses, and stress.
At Sustaining Health Acupuncture, patients can expect personalized care and tailored treatments that address their unique needs. Dr. Kinzig's compassionate approach and understanding of the challenges accompanying chronic illnesses create a supportive environment where patients feel heard and hopeful. With a commitment to excellence and a dedication to holistic healing, Sustaining Health Acupuncture is a trusted destination for those seeking natural and effective solutions for their health and wellness.
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