Our family story begins in the tiny town of Barzheim, located in rolling hills and fertile soil of the Rhein River valley in northern Switzerland. It is a wine producing region with over 900 micro-vintners. We honor our Swiss winemaking traditions. The small Swiss wine cellars are inspiration for our family Kellerei. Our American story begins when Johannes and Elizabeth Kutzli left their homeland in 1873, settling in Ohio. Seven generations later, descendants have spread across the country. In 1987 Eric and Nancy Kutzli came to southwest Iowa. In 2010 we bought land, naming it Whitetail Valley Farm. Our farm has a pond, prairie grass and timber. Fruit trees grow on the hills. Enjoy a glass of our hand crafted small batch wines. Pick out a pumpkin to carve, an apple right off a tree or enjoy a glass of fresh cider. Our mission is to provide a small place that renews the spirit in the beauty of creation. Stop by and say, 'Gruetzi!' (hello)