Twig & Needle Chinese Medicine in Iowa City, IA is a holistic healthcare practice led by licensed acupuncturist Alice Spitzner, who specializes in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). With a focus on treating the whole person, not just the disease, Alice works closely with her patients to identify areas of imbalance in their body and life, creating personalized treatment plans that incorporate the Five Pillars of TCM: acupuncture, moxibustion, nutrition, exercise and meditation, and Feng Shui environment.
At Twig & Needle, acupuncture is used to stimulate the body's balance and promote optimal health, while moxibustion, the burning of moxa mugwort, is employed to warm the body, boost energy, and regulate the immune system. TCM dietary guidelines and individualized formulas of Chinese herbal medicine are utilized to address the root cause of health issues. Additionally, exercise, meditation, and physical manipulation techniques are recommended to strengthen the body and promote relaxation. With a deep understanding of the ancient art of Feng Shui, Twig & Needle also offers guidance on creating harmonious environments to enhance the free-flow of energy.
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