Malia began working at Massages by Misty in March 2014 at the age of 19. She was mentored by Misty who is also her mother for a few years. As the business expanded for her and Misty they chose to open up separately to further both of their business goals and visions. Malia moved into her own establishment in March of 2016. She now rents a room at Beautiful Reflections in Norwalk, IA where she works and builds her business with fellow hairstylists.
Massage offers a noninvasive, drug-free, holistic approach to health based on the body's natural ability to help and heal itself. It works through increasing blood circulation, stimulating lymph flow, relieving tight muscle pressure, improving range of motion and flexibility, and stretching contracted muscles. It may also assist in healing after a surgery, trauma or cancer treatments with a doctors approval. Malia offers Swedish massage, Therapeutic Massage, Trigger Point Therapy, Hydrotherapy, Sound Therapy with Himalayan Bowls, Thai on the Table (Assisted Body Stretching), Jade stone Massage, Heated Seashell Massage, Hot towel treatments, Barefoot bar Massage, Foot Massage/Treatments and an assortment of Body Wraps.