Charitable organization, Social service center
Call to Freedom
Call To Freedom is a nonprofit organization committed to bring wholeness to all individuals who are impacted by human trafficking and commercial sex-related exploitation. We help by navigating a healing path through our continuum of care model. We design an extensive CommUnity model of care for those who need it. We support communities while empowering and also supporting the fight against human trafficking and sexual exploitation. Call To Freedom follows the values of Jesus Christ by valuing individual dignity, focusing on each person's needs, encouraging victims and their communities to avoid further trafficking and exploitation, and by providing a care team that supplies consistent, reliable support. Call To Freedom today if you or someone you know needs our support, or if you want to find out more about how to help victims of human trafficking and exploitation.Call To Freedom4501 South Technology DriveSioux Falls, SD 57106-4213(605) 261-1880 provide safety and security assessments, housing, transportation, medical treatment, therapy for trauma and addiction, education and job opportunity, and legal/advocacy services for victims and survivors of human trafficking and commercial exploitation in South Dakota and throughout the Easter Region. We have partnerships with local business leaders, law enforcement, legislators, families, and individuals who all help make our battle to change laws and deliver services for victims and survivors.One of our outstanding services is Marissa's Housing Project, which consists of a 12-unit apartment building that provides supportive case management, mentoring, housing, transport, clothing, closet budgeting, and food management, community partner referrals, and occupational therapy/life skills|case management, mentoring, housing, transport, clothing, food, and wardrobe budgeting, services. Marissa's Housing Project permits survivors to reside in a safe place and access everything they require to help make a new life for themselves.Call to Freedom provides educational materials for parents of victims and supporters alike. Learn the dangers and warning signs of becoming a trafficking target and how to support survivors. Our website also has a blog, podcast, and newsletters created to motivate survivors and allies to combat human trafficking. Jesus can heal victims and allies can do their best to be supportive, but it's up to everyone to learn about the laws and work hard to spread awareness. You never know who might hear and learn from sharing the risks and warning signs of human trafficking.We navigate a healthy and well balanced course from victim to survivor, with victim-centered responsive solutions to those who have experienced sex-related exploitation or human trafficking. We provide information for targets of human trafficking and sex-related exploitation in hopes of preventing a disaster. By developing a solid network of frontline providers who offer secure housing, counseling, professional aid, transportation services and many other helpful options, Call To Freedom is making a difference one life at a time. Contact Call To Freedom today to discover how you can heal and help eliminate exploitation and human trafficking.