Inventory at DaaBIN Store changes weekly, and the prices get lower daily! Every Thursday & Friday, we are closed to allow for restocking. On Saturday, the deals begin and get cheaper as the week goes on. Our inventory is unpredictable! Whatever comes off the semi-truck, you get to dig for. Name brand phones, gaming systems, tablets, cameras, tools, small appliances, clothing, toys, we have it all! We don't believe in funny business at DaaBIN Store. We want the savings to be fair! Want the first dig? Wake up early, pack snacks, and be the first in line. We don't do sneak peeks or early purchases, not even for friends, family, or employees. None of our products are staged, from the expensive items to the knick-knacks, it's all real! If you don't trust us, you need to come and check it out for yourself.