The treatment of chronic swelling of the body known as Lymphedema or Edema. Swelling in an area such as an arm or leg is caused by the accumulation of lymph fluid trapped in your body's tissue. Lymphedema may occur after the lymphatic system has been damaged, resulting in an abnormal accumulation of lymph fluid between the skin and muscles. Signs and symptoms may include fever, pain, redness and/or hardening of the tissue. Products: Compression Garments and Fittings Compression Bandaging Kits (used for CDT phase of treatment) Compression Garments (arm sleeves, gloves, gauntlets and stockings) Compression Wraps (Ready Wraps & Farrow Wraps) Services: Complete Decongestive Therapy (CDT) - application of multilayer bandages to prevent re-accumulation of fluid. Manual Lymph Drainage (MLD) Therapy - manual manipulation of the tissue that drains excess fluid from an affected area. Garment fitting- compression garments are worn in later phases of treatment once the excess fluid has drained. Location Facts: Between Tanglefoot and Spruce Hills History: Goals of Treatment Include: * Managing the edema symptoms * Improving functional abilities * Facilitating independence * Maximizing client quality of life * Decreasing pain * Improving skin integrity