Respiratory health clinic
Brett Hooker, NP - Beacon Medical Group Trauma & Surgical Services
About Brett Hooker A life lesson Brett Hooker, NP, has learned and wants to share with others is to keep moving. Whether that is not taking breaks in getting an education or not getting set in a career path, this has been an important lesson for him. “I was Air Force-trained in electronics and thought I would never leave that career path. That changed in 2008, when I was laid off from AT&T,” he says. When he saw his mom, now a retired Registered Nurse working overtime, he decided to enroll in nursing school. His educational path stretched out for him and he says he wishes he had kept moving without pause. From his initial training at Community College of the Air Force, Hurlburt Field, FL, to his Master’s in Family Nurse Practitioner degree from South University, Savannah, GA, his education journey spanned 20 years. Then he spent nearly a decade with a health system that he never thought he would leave. Regardless of these unexpected changes, he has not regretted them. Through it all, Brett has gained practical life experience in jobs, which have ranged from hands-on electronic and mechanical systems work to treating the human body. His NP role focuses on wound care where he is responsible for assessing various types of wounds and determining treatment. “Wound care allows the care providers to see the patient progress from start to finish, which allows for me to feel like I accomplished a lot more in the process,” Brett says. “Also, patients come for appointments very regularly so you attain a friendship with many of them that is not as common in a lot of areas of health care.” Connecting with patients is an important part of how Brett treats people and he feels laughter is truly the best medicine. “I like to connect with many of my patients through humor, and it has never failed me to this point,” he says, adding, “it tends to put patients at ease, from my experience.” So, whether he is sharing a laugh or sharing his faith with someone who might be struggling, he describes himself as an open book. Brett stresses the importance of never judging a patient based on their behavior or attitude. “The most important lesson that I learned is that even the most difficult patients with the worst attitudes are typically just scared, sick, in pain, or angry at their situation,” he says. Ultimately, treating others as you want to be treated is something he sees as the basis of all interactions between human beings. In his own words… Who is or was the most influential people/role models in your life? Both of my grandfathers. One is stubborn but very wise, the other made everyone laugh constantly and was as kind as any human could be. Both were loving in their own ways. What was your first job growing up? What do you remember about it? I was a dishwasher at a restaurant in Culver, IN. The only thing that I really remember was that I was proud of my work ethic and that money doesn’t really fix or change anything other than material ownership. What is your favorite food? Movie? Favorite food is anything Asian, but Thai or Vietnamese food tops that list. As for movies, I have watched Army of Darkness too many times to count. It is such a silly movie, but it just has something about it that draws me in every time. What was your best/worst subjects in school growing up? I was, and am, terrible at math. I suppose this is due to absolute lack of interest. I was always good at science and history. These subjects kept me engaged. If you could sit down to dinner with anyone (alive or deceased) who would it be and why? The only person that I would want to sit down to dinner with would be my Savior, Yeshua. I am not one to care for anyone’s status, so movie stars, etc., don’t impress me in the least bit. In addition to medicine, what are you passionate about? Family and my faith What are your hobbies, interests? Deer hunting, ice fishing and gardening. I really need to find a hobby! Do you have pets? Godfrey – German Shepherd, 13 years; Roxi – Wire-Haired Terrier, 13 years; Maggie – Brindle Pug, 6 years (I like her more than all four of my children sometimes, LOL) What is something most people don’t know about you? My initials are B. A. Hooker. I love my parents so much for that naming error!