In 2001, a young Amish couple established a bakery. These high quality baked goods, sold from their front porch at the time, gained a reputation for being high quality, preservative free...oh...and amazingly delicious! In 2004, a small store front was established, and it was clear that, as the word began to spread, this was a product that was going to continue to grow in popularity! By 2008, they had outgrown this smaller facility, and it was again time to move. So in early 2009, the young Amish couple decided to sell their business to a non-Amish family and move it to a new facility. The original founders of the bakery are still employed by Rise'n Roll and are active in the day-to-day operations. In 2012, Rise'n Roll Bakery sold its first franchise, and a Nappanee location was opened, with additional franchises being added in 2014 and 2015.
For those who want the best...and know the difference! These high quality baked goods sold from a young Amish couple's front porch at the time. They gained a reputation for being high quality, preservative free, and amazingly delicious! In 2004, a small store front was established, and it was clear that as the word began to spread this was a product that was going to continue to grow in popularity! In early 2009, the young Amish couple decided to sell their business to a non-Amish family who moved it to a new larger facility. The original founders of the bakery are still employed by Rise'n Roll and are active in the day-to-day operations.