The Air National Guard (ANG), also known as the Air Guard, is a federal military reserve force as well as the militia force of each U.S. state, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and the territories of Guam and the U.S. Virgin Islands. It, along with each state's Army National Guard component, makes up the National Guard of each state. When Air National Guard units are used under the jurisdiction of the State Governor they are fulfilling their militia role. However, if federalized by order of the President of the United States, ANG units become an active part of the United States Air Force. They are jointly administered by the states and the National Guard Bureau, a joint bureau of the Army and Air Force that oversees the National Guard of the United States. Air National Guard units are organized and federally recognized federal military reserve forces in each of the fifty U.S. states.
The Air National Guard is a Reserve branch of the United States Air Force, and serves alongside active duty Air Force members in times of a national crisis. In addition, the Air Guard serves the state and local community in a wide range of capacities. We will train you in the Air Force specialty of your choice. This may range from medical to Intelligence, IT, Special Operations, aircraft maintenance, personnel, management, food and recreational services, security, meteorology, the building trades--nearly 100 different specialties! As you train, you will be awarded college credits that can be applied toward an associate's degree in your military career field, through the Community College of the Air Force (CCAF). Enrollment in the CCAF is free and the credits earned may also be applied toward your college degree at a civilian college. By transferring credits between CCAF and a civilian college, some Air Guardsmen actually complete two associate degrees at the same time, depending on their degree programs. For example, all individuals without prior military service must complete the six-week Air Force Basic Military Training course in San Antonio, Texas. Through CCAF, individuals are awarded four semester hours in physical education for the training. Physical education is a basic requirement for most degree programs and the credits earned through CCAF work like other transfer credits at a civilian college.