Whitening Bright Teeth Whitening was started in 2005 in the Chicagoland area and quickly spreaded to the mid west doing mobile teeth whitening parties for big events as well as participated in numerous of wedding shows throughout Chicago and the midwest, promoting our Mobile Teeth Whitening Champaign and Chocolates party packages.
Whitening Bright Studio is a private teeth whitening and day spa and salon that follows a strict appointment only schedule, due to our list of professional and private clients. We provide the safest, fastest and most effective teeth whitening system available! We specialize in bringing the BRIGHT (ness) out of your teeth. Whether it's tobacco, coffee or just the effects of time, our professional teeth whitening system will remove all signs of staining while relaxing in a private room. Whitening Bright Studio also provides an effective weight loss management body wrap programs as well as our popular detox cleanses and wraps. That is guarantee to keep you coming back for more... We offer: In-Studio Laser Teeth Whitening, Mobile Laser Teeth Whitening, Detox Foot Cleanse, Detox Body Wraps, Detox Body Sculpting and Weight Management Wraps. Spa Services: Varies Body Sculpting and Weight Loss Wraps Body Detox Wraps Detox Foot Cleanse Facials Waxing Make - Up Artistry Hair Stylist