Time Out for You Massage Therapy is an established professional massage company. We believe that removing a person's knots (in the neck, shoulders, back, etc.) leads to feeling better. Way better. This improved well-being directly benefits work performance. When your employees feel better, they work better and their work is better. Time Out for You Massage Therapy was founded so businesses looking to provide chair massage can have the confidence that they are hiring consistently professional, well-trained massage therapists. We deliver that handily. Our therapists wear polo shirts and khaki pants, show up on time, know how to operate in corporate settings and will enhance your business environment while on-site. Time Out for You Massage Therapy. Is a team of licensed certified massage therapists and trained relaxation specialists working together to help you and your company relieve stress and tension in your work environment.
Massage Therapy is designed to stretch and loosen muscles, improve blood flow and movement of lymph fluid through the body, facilitate the removal of metabolic wastes resulting from exercise or inactivity and increase the flow of oxygen and nutrients to cells and tissues. A very effective, relaxing treatment for neck, shoulder, back, hip and other muscular and joint pain, headaches, as well as other chronic and acute conditions.