St. Agnes Parish and Catholic School Mission: To welcome nurture and serve the people and children of God – generation to generation, guiding souls and growing minds.
St. Agnes Parish
St. Agnes Parish is a Catholic church located in Chicago Heights, IL, and has served the community for more than 115 years. St. Agnes Parish offers vibrant liturgies, ministry and outreach to families in Chicago Heights and the surrounding communities.
Pastor: Rev. John Siemianowski
Resident Associate: Rev. William O’Mara
St. Agnes Catholic School
St. Agnes Catholic School is a full day elementary program for students in three-year-old preschool through grade eight. St. Agnes provides a comprehensive curriculum in religion, language arts, mathematics and sciences, social studies and foreign language.
In addition, St. Agnes offers an integrated technology program, arts, music and instructional physical education classes that enhance its core curriculum. St. Agnes staff says its students are part of a warm, caring parish and school community that helps them learn and grow as individuals with unique talents and abilities.