Although originally created as an ensemble to perform a specific show in 1988, The Neo-Futurists have grown to become one of the most highly regarded experimental theater companies in America. From humble beginnings as the first late-night theater production in Chicago, we have expanded into a company that mounts full seasons of adventurous, smart, interactive theater while still pursuing the ideas that inspired our creation.
The Neo-Futurists, performers of Too Much Light Makes The Baby Go Blind (1988 - 2016), These 30 Plays (2016) and creators of over 65 original, full-length productions, are a collective of wildly productive writer-director-performers who are committed to creating immediate, non-illusory, irreproducible events at head-slappingly affordable prices. Performances every Friday/Saturday at 11:30pm and Sunday at 7:00pm. From humble beginnings as the first late-night theater production in Chicago, The Neo-Futurists have grown to become one of the most highly regarded experimental theater companies in America. The Neo-Futurists pioneered a new form of theater in 1988, launching what became Chicago's longest running show, Too Much Light, which is now in its 27th year and has created more than 9,700 original plays. Over 70 Ensemble-alumni have added thousands of new works to the American theatre canon, including: Greg Kotis' Urinetown, Jay Torrence's Burning Bluebeard, and alums' work with companies such as The Eugene O'Neill Theater Center, NPR, Goodman Theatre, and The Second City, while also establishing and exchanging with Neo-Futurist branches in New York City and San Francisco.