Kong's Martial Arts, established since 1963, is a renowned Kung Fu school located in Rockford, IL. Led by Sifu Andrew Kong, an eighth-degree master level instructor, the school carries on the legacy of his father, Buck Sam Kong, who was one of the first American instructors to openly teach Kung Fu. With a focus on traditional Hung Gar and Choy Lei Fut styles, Kong's Martial Arts aims to bring the culture and discipline of Kung Fu to the community.
Recognized for their history-making achievements and impacting contributions to the martial arts community, Kong's Martial Arts has a rich lineage that traces back to 97-year-old Lam Cho, who taught Buck Sam Kong the art of Hung Gar. Sifu Andrew Kong, who began his training at the age of 5, has not only competed in numerous tournaments but also emphasizes the values of patience, pride, honor, and respect that Kung Fu instills. With a goal to continue his father's legacy, Sifu Andrew Kong strives to create focus and promote the traditional ways of Kung Fu in Rockford, Illinois.
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