Transportation agents and brokers, Commercial and literary writings
Al Chalabi Group
Economic growth, job development and enhancement of the tax base are the major development concerns of most urban governments and their constituents. Returns commensurate with risk and minimal red tape are the objectives of investors and businesses. In most instances, the goals of these public and private entities are complementary ; often, the two parties depend on one another to achieve them. The al Chalabi Group, Ltd ( ACG ) was formed to facilitate such development ventures. ACG's knowledge of urban infrastructure and regional economics is critical to that effort.Infrastructure is the principal form-giver to an urban area. National and regional transportation networks ( airports, highways, toll roads, commuter rail ) give structure to both the physical form and the economics of an urban area. A modern, efficient infrastructure is recognized as a major incentive for development. The optimum development or expansion of these networks, however, requires an accurate forecast of need and precise estimates of costs.Reducing costs--through direct or indirect means--is an important factor in encouraging development. Equally important to both public and private entities, is an accurate assessment of the benefits gained--jobs created, tax revenues enhanced, accessibility improved. Finally, development demands a thorough understanding of the legitimate objectives and concerns of public official, private investor/business and public at large. al Chalabi Group addresses all these concerns.About the al Chalabi Group, LtdThe al Chalabi Group, Ltd was established in 1983 to provide investment services to business and government. The firm has made a conscious decision to remain small and selective. Consulting is maintained at an executive level by the firm's principals. The firm is woman-owned, accredited in several states.Since its formation, ACG has specialized in the development of creative solutions to difficult problems. In addressing the concerns of public and private clients, it has had to be both innovative and responsive to changing conditions-particularly those caused by changes in markets, by socioeconomic factors, and by technological improvements in transportation.The firm has carried these innovations into its analytical techniques--devising new forecast models ; adapting programs from one transportation mode to another ; and transferring to local economies, expertise gained from a national perspective. Although the range of ACG projects is fairly wide, one attribute distinguishes them all--implementability.