I decided to open my own practice in 2003. I live by a motto of integrity, excellence and compassion. It is an overarching part of my existence and being in private practice allows it to become every part of what I do as a physician. I moved into my current larger facility in 2010 to be able to include fully functioning on site laboratory, better spaces for my patients and staff.
My areas of outmost interest include: Vasectomy Kidney Stones Prostate Problems Pelvic Pain Urodynamic Testing Minimally invasive procedures for treatment of female urinary incontinence and Pelvic Floor Reconstruction Sacral Nerve Stimulation, Interstim for Urge incontinence, Urinary Frequency, Urgency, Urinary retention Minimally invasive and office procedures for treatment of BPH Reconstructive and organ spearing cancer surgery - partial nephrectomy, orthotopic neobladder, nerve spearing prostatectomy Pelvic floor physical therapy and pelvic floor rehabilitation are available in the office