Columbia Auto Repair & Sales, in Aledo, IL, is the area's leading auto repair and service shop serving New Boston, Joy, Seaton, Buffalo Prairie, Keithsburg and surrounding areas. We offer oil changes, engine rebuilds, transmission flush and rebuilds, radiator flush, tire repairs, general vehicle maintenance and much more. For all your auto repair and service needs, contact Columbia Auto Repair & Sales in Aledo. Certifications: ASE Master Mechanic Certified in Refrigerant Recycling and Air Conditioning Services Associations: NFIB
Quick Oil Changes to Major Engine Overhauls, Used Vehicles Generally Under $5,000, Products: Tires, Cars, Remote Starts, Wiper Blades, Services: Oil Changes, Engine and Transmission Rebuilds, Transmission and Radiator Flush, Tire Repairs, Summer Time Detailing, General Vehicle Maintenance, Used Cars For Sale, Diagnostics, Location Facts: Right Next to Subway.