The Church of the Holy Nativity in Clarendon Hills is an Episcopalian congregation that has been worshiping here since 1954. The close-knit parish is home to 300 members. In addition to two Sunday services, Holy Nativity offers several unique services throughout the year. In October, the annual St. Francis Pet Blessing encourages members to bring their pets and have them blessed on the front lawn of the church. Dogs, cats and even fish also get treats during the service. At Christmas time, a special "St. Nick's" Sunday service takes place, where church members sponsor several underpriveleged families. The families are brought to the church to receive gifts and a formal holiday brunch. The church also runs "Divine Treasures", a secondhand shop that is operated by members of Holy Nativity. The shop is located in downtown Clarendon Hills and proceeds from those sales are distrubuted to organizations throughout the community.