Our business started when an entrepreneur with his experience issuing customs bonds decided there was an better way to help US exporters get and use ATA Carnets. In a farmhouse garage boomerang carnets was launched with the vision of issuing and delivering a boomerang carnet using the latest technology. Back then it was the fax machine! Eventually floppy disks, CD-ROMs and web-based services were made available to ATA Carnet customers. But the technology is only one part of the story. Boomerang carnets has always offered hands-on customer support and personal touches. Hey, we still send actual holiday cards by snail mail! Another part of our history and culture is transparency. There's a lot to know about using ATA Carnets and we try to provide access to that information (and the updates) on our website. We have always tried to educate our customers just as we learn from their experiences travelling abroad.
We enjoy helping our customers save time and money when they travel overseas with samples or equipment. We especially like it when we can help them make a last minute project travel on an ATA Carnet. We have real people answer the phone and make the process of applying for and using a customs document easy and affordable.