A Touch of Ginger (ATOG) is a full-service women-led acupuncture clinic staffed by a team of three acupuncturists. ATOG uses a combination of Canonical Chinese Medicine and Traditional Chinese Medicine to treat patient's physical, mental and emotional issues. ATOG takes a holistic approach to treating conditions by identifying energetic imbalances and providing the body with the energy and direction it needs to facilitate healing. ATOG offers services including acupuncture treatments, Chinese Herbal Medicine, cupping, gua sha and auricular acupuncture. Patients' treatment plans are based on their individual needs using a combination of acupuncture, Chinese Herbal Medicine and dietary/lifestyle recommendations.
A Touch of Ginger for the past ten years has been a full-service acupuncture practice where healing begins, health can be obtained and wellness sustained. Here, health is achieved using Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), a holistic medicine, that began in China more than 3,500 years ago. Within this medicine, modalities such as acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine, cupping, gua sha and massage are used to restore and maintain health. Chinese medicine can treat pain, hypertension, arthritis, fibromyalgia, menopause syndrome, premenstrual syndrome, constipation, diarrhea, common cold, depression, anxiety, digestive disorders, allergies, stress, cancer, infertility and much more.