Established in 2004 DEC. 12, 2004 The Pursuit officially launches with one service. SEPT. 4, 2005 The Pursuit moves to two services. JUN. 2007 The Pursuit leaves the theatre and moves to Borah High School. DEC. 2007 The Pursuit meets in four different locations for the five Sundays, finally landing at their first permanent space on Discovery Way in West Boise. APR. 8, 2008 The Pursuit launches its first P.M. service on Sunday nights. MAY 2013 The Pursuit launches their second campus on Bogus Basin Rd.
The Pursuit is not a typical name for a church, but then again, we are not a typical church. Let's face it; with many churches, you need to be a churched person to know what the name means. In fact, an unchurched person usually has to try to figure out all of the codes at a church service. When do you stand? When do you sit? Unfamiliar terms are not explained. The music is usually outdated and everyone seems like they are dressed for a funeral! It is really easy to feel like an outsider. It is no wonder most people have given up on church. We chose the name so you would know right off that we are not a normal church. We don't expect you to understand everything. When you visit our services, no matter where you are on your spiritual journey, you will feel welcome. We will do our best to always explain everything. The music rocks, the atmosphere is familiar, and the teaching is relevant. Don't bother dressing up. We don't.