Schools and educational services, nec, nec
Lighthouse L&D Consulting
Lighthouse L&D Consulting invites you to leverage our 25+ years' experience delivering world-class learning solutions, live event A/V design, and online marketing resources.
We design, develop, and deploy eLearning solutions, technical documentation, ILT and asynchronous training, job aides, reference guides, and interactive role-play scenarios to best meet your learning solution needs.
In addition to offering customized needs analyses, learning solution recommendations, career development programs, new-hire employee training, and client onboarding programs, we pride ourselves on developing solutions that uniquely match your business goals and your budget.
Specializing in multimedia project management, audio/video production, live event sound design, marketing & promotional materials, employee skills development, interactive software / app tutorials, Learning and Development consulting, webinar and podcast guest speaker services, music production, and online event facilitation.