We saw solvable problems. Too many owner operators are failing. We want to create a place where drivers can see what it is like to be an O/O without the financial risk, with support during and after their time with us, that's currently almost non-existent. We also hope to create a network for all owner operators that will allow them to get help from nearby drivers. Towing costs A LOT for a semi truck, and a lot of times, that cost could have been avoided if they just had some help. Too much dishonesty. We pledge to be open and honest at all times, with every single person and company that we work with. We started this company because God told us to, and we're going to make a difference, however small, while doing it.
We offer honest and transparent freight moving services. We are not here to compete, we're here to COMPLETE. We believe in open and honest communication in all aspects. We will never price gouge, or underbid just to make a buck. We're here for the little guys too. Freight Transportation done the Proverbs: 3 way.