An audiologist is a licensed health care professional who screens, assesses, identifies and provides treatment to persons who experience some degree of impairment in hearing, auditory processing, communication or other related areas. Hearing assessments include a comprehensive battery of tests and procedures which are tailored to the specific age and needs of the individual. In addition to standard testing methods, specialized equipment is available for the evaluation of very young infants and children whose hearing might otherwise be difficult to assess. Speech, language, feeding, swallowing and hearing disorders are among the most common disabilities in the United States. At least one out of every six Americans can expect to experience some difficulty with communication or swallowing in their lifetime. University hospital's speech and hearing center provides a full range of evaluation and treatment services for children and adults with speech, language, feeding, swallowing and hearing disorders. We provide services for hundreds of CSRA residents each year. Our clients range in age from infants to the elderly. Our goal is to enable people with communication and related disorders to regain quality of life, and to communicate and function as independently as possible in their homes, schools, workplaces and communities.