The SAT and the ACT MAY seem like difficult tests, but the answers will be right in front of you.You don't have to know every grammar rules to pass, You just need to know how to eliminate the wrong answers and find the right ones. At myenglishclass1101 we will prepare you for the SAT AND ACT by focusing on -Vocabulary in Context -Literal Comprehension -Extended Reasoning - Organizing and expressing ideas clearly -Developing and supporting the main idea, and -Using appropriate word choice and sentence structure You will also learn how to Improve sentences and paragraphs by identifying errors (such as diction, grammar, sentence structure, subject-verb agreement, proper word usage, wordiness and more. Are you ready for the writing section? Do you feel confident? Do you have a strategy? How comfortable are you with Evidence-Based Reading and Comprehension? We offer group and individual classes at our location. We also offer services in-home/ in office or online. Myenglishclass1101
Our SAT and ACT summer camp is now Registering. Students will learn the fundamentals skills, techniques, strategies and knowledge necessary for the SAT and ACT.