The Westend Kipp Strive Academy is one of two KIPP (Knowledge Is Power Program) schools under the Atlanta Public School system. It is located in the old J.C. Harris Elementary School building in the Westview neighborhood.
The goal of KIPP schools is to combat the drop-out rate and lack of skills among children in economically challenged communities -- many of whom are not able to compete on a college level or in the general workforce. An additional goal of the school is to produce civic minded, future community leaders.
Kipp Strive is a free charter school, currently serving students in the fifth and sixth grades. The school will expand each year to include one additional grade until it reaches the eighth grade. Fifth graders are admitted on a first-come-first-served basis. However, there is a lottery system to fill slots in upper grades.
Students are intensely educated in a rigorous, structured environment to ensure mastery of core skills. Students have an extended school day, and Saturday classes are offered twice a month. Uniforms are mandatory, and learning takes place in small group settings. Regular field trips are also part of the curriculum.