A Body Massage Is a Great Experience When done correctly, a body massage is a physical delight and an emotional pleasure. There are many medical conditions that can be relieved with massage, and the relaxation provides a soothing release for the mind. At Empress Massage in the Atlanta area, we are dedicated to making body massage a mind and body experience that is emotionally enriching as much as it is physically relaxing. Every step of the process is designed to create an atmosphere of serenity and calm so that stress is removed and the body can gain the most benefit from the skilled touch of the therapists. An Ancient Tradition Massage therapy has been around for thousands of years but is only now becoming recognized by modern medicine as a valuable tool for patient care. There are many conditions that can benefit from massage therapy, doing away with the need for medications or reducing dependence on them. Body massage is accepted as part of the holistic approach to medical care
Our highly trained staff works with each client to understand his or her underlying needs and provides the therapy designed to give the best relief. We offer many types of massage therapies for physical relief and emotional relaxation and can customize therapies for any situation. * Reduced muscle spasms * Less muscle pain and aches * Better movement of lymph fluids * A strengthened immune system * Greater joint flexibility and range of motion