Is English your second language? Is English your native language but you have a regional dialect? Would you like to improve your English pronunciation skills? Reach out to the experts at Cultured Speech, LLC in Loganville, GA, to receive high-quality accent training at affordable prices. This coach's experience with teaching others the ins and outs of pronunciation in the English language has helped clients in both their personal and professional lives. This accent training coach specializes in working with individuals whose second language is English, by delivering customized instruction based off of the client's personal sound errors when speaking English. This customized program benefits clients while communicating in their careers, whether they're medical professionals, teachers, or corporate specialists. Your certified accent coach has a vast knowledge of the world's languages, which allows her to understand the patterns displayed when clients speak with accented English. Each client receives lessons within a program that has customized instruction to create a neutral accent, no matter their native language. If you're looking to impress the director and producers on your next stage, television, or film audition, this dialect coach will walk you through the steps to achieve a whole new dialect...