As suggested by its mascot, the prowling panther, Continental Colony is on the move, still making progress in a temporary facility while the old school site undergoes massive renovation. Continental Colony has temporarily relocated to the old Blalock Elementary School building in Northwest Atlanta. During the 2011-2012 academic year, however, the students and staff will be back at the Hogan Road site.
The temporary relocation has not affected the Continental Colony family's determination to continue to bring forth the best in all its students. In her website welcome message, Continental Colony's Principal, Ms. Sandra Sessoms, stresses that the school is focusing on seven tenets of education. Those seven tenets are students, classrooms, curriculum, teachers, technology, school climate, and community and parent involvement. Each tenet is critical in the development of independent thinkers and higher learners.
Continental Colony has a thorough and frequently updated website to keep the community abreast of its progress and current events.