The Art of The Brick is the world's most renowned LEGO Art exhibition, immersing visitors in the vibrant and thought-provoking world created by artist Nathan Sawaya. With over a million bricks used, Sawaya has crafted over 100 artworks that bring smiles and contemplation to both adults and children alike. From original sculptures to reinvented versions of iconic masterpieces like Michelangelo's David, Van Gogh's Starry Night, and Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa, this exhibition offers a diverse range of captivating creations.
With past shows in cities like Toulouse, Raleigh, Paris, and ongoing waitlist availability in Miami, The Art of The Brick continues to captivate audiences worldwide, leaving a lasting impression through its playful and unexpected displays. As the exhibition concludes in Milan, Brussels, and Atlanta, visitors can anticipate the next installment of this LEGO art extravaganza in 2024, building excitement for what lies ahead.
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