As Your ADHD Life Coach, we will collaborate weekly to help you examine the self-defeating habits/obstacles in your life that you recognize as problematic and are willing to change. I will help you foster habits that bring positive change and less chaos. Through curious questioning and an understanding that you are creative, resourceful, and whole, I aim to awaken your self-awareness through a process of discovery. Our partnership will assist you in bridging the gap from where you currently are to where you desire to be. A daily life that is disorganized and sabotaged by distraction, lethargy starting tasks, poor planning, and prioritizing is exhausting and frustrating. I can help you build habits that lead to success, improved grades, organization, planning, prioritizing, and sustained motivation. You will develop strategies and action steps to help you navigate the typical ADHD pitfalls and propel you towards achieving your life's goals. As Your ADHD Life Coach, I will not be your consultant, therapist, counselor mentor, teacher, or advisor. Nor do I tutor if you are struggling academically. I do not explore your past traumas. I cannot and will not diagnose ADHD or prescribe medication. As your ADHD Life Coach, I will not tell, advise, or suggest what you should do. I will not provide you with solutions. Your solutions will come to you if you are willing to be vulnerable and explore beyond the superficial.