Once upon a time in a magical land called Destin, a girl from the North met a girl from the South.....and that is where Laura and Tori's adventure begins! Initially, it was a love for teaching Pilates, a shared faith and the need to make a living that brought us together. As our business and friendship grew, we quickly realized that we had similar desires and dreams for the way we wanted the studio to look, feel and grow. This vision propelled us forward, the dream became reality and voila - Studio Blue Pilates was born. We believe in giving our clients the very best, so we provide top of the line equipment, quality instruction in a spa-like environment with an atmosphere that is friendly, encouraging and fun. Our hope and goal is that you'd feel at home when you walk in the door. Come by and see us and be a part of our Studio Blue family!
We specialize in mat, reformer, springboard, cadillac and barrel pilates as well as gyrotonic exercise. We offer both classes and private sessions from certified pilates instructors.