Closed up our building location and converted to a mobile, where the doctor comes to you at hours convenient for you.
Jacksonville service treatments include but certainly not limited to: Sciatica and Sciatic Nerve Care, Lower Back Pain, Shoulder Pain, Herniated Disc, Migraine & Headache Care, Neck Pain and Myofascial Release. We offer a unique approach to your health care through the use of Chiropractic. Dr. Stewart is even further trained to providing a hands on approach to your care. The chiropractic care that you received is backed by years of continued research. Dr. Stewart is highly trained in both spinal correction as well as extremity correction. Dr. Stewart is also highly trained in the following soft-tissue treatments: MyoFascial Disruption Technique (MFDT) is a hands-on approach to treating soft tissue injuries. MFDT recognizes that most, if not all, soft tissue injuries are a result of a separation or a disruption of the fascia. [fascia - a sheet or band of fibrous connective tissue enveloping, separating, or binding together muscles, organs, and other soft structures of the body].