Schlitt Brothers Painting was started by John Schlitt, Jr. and his brother, Leo Schlitt in 1921 in Vero Beach, Florida. They worked together for forty years until they finally decided to retire their brushes in 1962. John's oldest son, Frank took over the business in 1946 after returning from fighting in Europe during world War II. John Schlitt Sr. and Leo Schlitt continued to work as the original Schlitt Brothers building a stellar reputation throughout Vero Beach. Frank decided to carry on the family business making a name for himself in the painting market. While doing so he ended up painting almost every house or condominium in Vero Beach. In 1981, Schlitt Brothers Painting became incorporated, changing the name to Schlitt Brothers, Inc. At that time, all four of Frank's sons, Tommy, Richard, Jimmy, Frankie, son-in-law Dave Prossick and two nephews all worked with Frank. This was truly a family business all the way! In 1990, Richard, Frank's second and obviously favorite son, b