I train and teach Basic, Advanced and Unlimited aerobatics in Florida since September 2016. I am a US CFIG certified instructor and I teach also how to fly gliders and how to get a Glider Pilot Certificate.
I do Glider Aerobatics Rides. This will be the most thrilling and breathtaking experience of all your life. You will sit in the front seat of the aerobatic glider with the best visibility ever. You and the clouds. We'll be towed by an airplane high in the sky and then we'll begin our dance in the blue. There's no words to explain what you feel during a stall turn in a glider: no sound, no gravity. You go from heavenly moments to super action like in the loop or the barrel roll. Feel like an astronaut in the long zero gravity curve and feel the G force of a combat pilot in a fighter. All this in the Florida skies, above the lakes and the green swamps, just 14 miles west of Disney. Bring your GoPro or use ours. You'll want to share this with your friends! I also do Glider Aerobatics Training, from Basic to Unlimited. And i teach Unusual Attitudes and Spin Training to glider pilots.