Wealthy Realty began in 2014 in Kissimmee, FL focus in giving free real estate seminars to the neighbors of Kissimmee and surroundings. Today Wealthy Realty LLC is the first option for first time buyers in Kissimmee, FL.
Real estate brokerage focus in first time buyer in Kissimmee's area. We specialize in tenants who wants to buy a home. All our agents are Spanish native speakers. Our strength are the free monthly seminars for first time buyers that we do in the mall Plaza del Sol de Kissimmee, next to our office. During the seminars, our guests receive the best information in order to buy a home. Somos una inmobiliaria enfocada en primeros compradores. Nos especializamos en inquilinos que quieren dejar de rentar y comprar su hogar. Todos nuestros agentes son Hispano parlantes. Nuestra mayor fortaleza es que hacemos seminarios gratuitos todos los meses en el mall Plaza del Sol de Kissimmee al lado de nuestra oficina para orientar a compradores en todos los pasos que deben realizar para comprar su casa.