Workouts are measurable, observable and repeatable. As you continue training, you can track your progress. For example, you might be making a certain movement, holding a certain weight, for a measurable amount of time. Next time you complete that movement, you can re-gauge, retest yourself. You will notice a difference in your fitness level quickly. Clients of all ages and fitness levels learn how to properly lower themselves (squat), pick up objects (dead lift), bring objects to their chest (clean), and push objects overhead (push press/push jerk/snatch). We mix these elements of Olympic lifting with a variety of other movements executed at an individual's highest intensity to achieve health and fitness goals. You will gain strength while maintaining cardio respiratory endurance, all in one relatively short workout. You are joining a community. Red Hills CrossFit holds regular events--seminars, special workout or diet challenges, and social activities--so as you get to know the people in your workout group each day, you'll also get other opportunities to meet and chat with other members. Your fitness level will change when you start CrossFit. Athletes will notice their skills even out. So a runner might improve on strength, where as a lifter might improve on flexibility or stamina. And those who come in