Mojo Meda Miami International began as MS Grafix in 2001 as a small media company. It was one of the first agencies to develop web sites that had moving graphics in combination with basic html. In June of 2008, MS Graphic merged with a sales and marketing analysis agency to form a much more effective firm with the expertise in all fascets of media, marketing and advertising and becoming Mojo Media Miami, Inc. Only one year later and after aquiring one of the largest import/export companies as a client, Mojo went International extending their services into Centra & South America, the Carribbean and most recently Asia.
Advertising, Marketing, Public Realtions, Product Development, Image Branding, Web Design, Hosting, E-mail Marketing, Market Analysis, Media placement, media analysis, campaign management, printing, signs, banners, posters, business cards, brochures, graphic design, reproductions