The need for MTM (Medication Therapy Management) services has never been this dire! Statistics show that 1 in every 4 Americans have difficulties taking prescription medications as directed, 1 in 5 prescriptions go unfilled, medication adherence is lowest among patients with chronic conditions, and the economic impact of non-adherence is estimated to cost $100 billion annually. MTM is a service provided by specially trained Pharmacists to help patients optimize the use of their medication. The goal of MTM is to make sure medications are safe and effective for every patient through one on one communication with the patient, physician, pharmacist and other healthcare providers.
We also offer a 3-Month Lifestyle Weight=Loss Solution Program that include low-glycemic eating, science-based supplementation, educational videos, body composition monitoring and education to help you reach your weight loss goals and keep the weight off. We also offer Medication Management Consulting services to make sure your meds are effective, affordable and safe so you can get the most out of taking them. Gene SNP Analysis Screening: When it comes to our bodies, we want to make choices that have a positive impact on our health. But some of those decisions - eating the wrong foods, making certain lifestyle choices, even the way we exercise - could impact our body's ability to maintain optimum health. Even if we think we're making the right choices, there are other factors that help determine our overall picture of health.When it comes to your health, the answers are in your genes. Your DNA tells a story: how you process foods, how you react to exercise, how your environment affects your body, how your family history plays a part in your health.The Gene SNP DNA Analysis offers insights into 6 major categories of weight and wellness. No more guesswork. Get the facts today!