Columbus Capital Lending is a mortgage lender with the headquarters located in Miami, Florida; with licenses in Florida and North Carolina. The mission at Columbus is to strengthen America's social fabric through sustainable homeownership. We believe in the power of homeownership and the proven safety, stability, wealth and improved quality of life it has created for families and communities. Columbus Capital Lending is committed to promoting and protecting sustainable homeownership for all segments of America through its focus on retail mortgage originations of home purchase mortgages. We seek to become a national force for sustainable homeownership, reaching out to underserved communities and expanding to other markets.
Get fast, custom loan quotes to compare. Move through the approval process quickly and seamlessly. When you work with Columbus Capital Lending LLC and I for your home loan or refinance, you can get your money and do what you want with it - usually within 30 days! Have questions about your mortgage options? Contact today! 24 Hour Call Back Guarantee