Mya Cigars, Inc. is a renowned cigar manufacturer based in West Palm Beach, FL, with a rich heritage dating back to 1896. Led by Señor Jorge Rodriguez, a Cuban-born expert in the field, the company prides itself on crafting exceptional cigars using the finest tobacco leaves sourced from around the world. With over a century of Cuban cigar experience and a meticulous selection process, Mya Cigars offers a range of smooth and exquisite cigars, blending tradition and quality for an unparalleled smoking experience.
Handcrafted by real Cuban tabaqueros, Mya Cigars are made in the one and only cigar factory in West Palm Beach. The special blend, named after Rodriguez's granddaughter, Mya, combines aged tobacco leaves with a superb Cuban-seed, Dominican grown cigar tobacco, resulting in a truly exceptional product. With a dedication to preserving the tradition of Cuban cigars, Mya Cigars invites enthusiasts to indulge in the timeless pleasure of their meticulously crafted cigars.
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