It all started when I was 13 years old and a band of bully's wanted to beat me up...After that I fell in love with health and fitness. My love for becoming a better version of myself and helping others merged together and led me on that path to become a personal trainer. After years of being immersed in the health and fitness realm I received my personal training certification through the American College of Sports Medicine (ASCM). From there I received many other certifications to better hone in my skills and to help my students. I am constantly learning new skills so I can in turn help others live happier, healthier lives.
I specialize in making making everyday people into better humans. I teach my students how to properly use their bodies to enhance their lives and well-being. My approach to health and fitness is to first assess any mobility issues. From there I prescribe proper programming to ensure each student of mine becomes stronger, loose weight, and is able to live a long healthy life.