Truck transportation brokers
Dolly Trans Freight
Dolly Trans Freight is a carrier and broker company based in Orlando, FL, with a USDOT number of 1308879. They have one power unit and one driver, and their operation classification includes interstate and intrastate transportation of general freight, household goods, metal sheets, coils, rolls, motor vehicles, logs, poles, beams, lumber, building materials, mobile homes, machinery, large objects, and fresh produce. As of 01/17/2024, they have no reported inspections or crashes in the US or Canada. Dolly Trans Freight is not currently authorized for operation and does not have a safety rating. Their physical address is 5015 Patch Rd, Orlando, FL 32822, and their phone number is 407-482-0081. They have been registered since 09/01/2005 and have a mileage year of 100,000 in 2004. The company operates in various categories, including for-hire exempt, for-hire private property, private passenger business, private passenger non-business, and agricultural farm supplies. They carry a wide range of cargo, including general freight, household goods, metal sheets, coils, rolls, motor vehicles, logs, poles, beams, lumber, building materials, mobile homes, machinery, large objects, and fresh produce.Generated from the website