Elena Katz, D.M.D., MsCD Nova SE University School of Dentistry. Prosthodontics F.A.C.D. Residency at Beth Israel Hospital, Newark, NJ, Fellow-World Clinical Laser Institute. Diplomate the International Congress of Oral Implantologists. Over 30 years expirience. America's Top Dentists 2008-2016.
At the dental practice of Dr. Elena Katz, we believe communication is the key to successful treatment. Starting with your initial visit, Dr. Katz will take the time to talk with you about your previous dental experiences and about your expectations for your future dental care. Throughout your treatments, Doctor and her staff will work with you to ensure that you understand your options and that you are ultimately satisfied with the way that your mouth looks and feels. Elena Katz, D.M.D., MsCD Nova SE University School of Dentistry. Prosthodontics F.A.C.D. Residency at Beth Israel Hospital, Newark, NJ, Fellow-World Clinical Laser Institute. Diplomate the International Congress of Oral Implantologists. Over 30 years expirience. America's Top Dentists 2008-2017.