Business services, nec, nec, Services, nec, nec, Religious goods
Watra Church Goods Company
About Watra Church Goods Watra was founded in the depths of the depression by the Skupien family in 1935. It's humble beginnings were that of a local card and gift shop. It has since grown to a full service religious goods and articles store. The store occupied its original location at 22nd and California in the City of Chicago until 1986, when it was moved to it's present location. Watra's current location of Sacramento and Archer Ave., in Chicago, has over 30, 000 square feet of show room space, making it one of the largest religious goods stores in the nation. Watra has further expanded to open a showroom in San Antonio, Florida. Currently, Watra dedicates its entire first floor, to gift items, such as First Communion, Confirmation and Baptism merchandise, while our second floor is dedicated to church goods and vestments, with our third floor as a religious art gallery.