1) Immigration: Our attorneys have extensive experience in immigration matters including obtaining visas, work permits, greencard, change of status, citizenship. 2) Family- Pre and Post-Nuptial Agreements Divorce: While most divorces can and should be negotiated amicably with just and equitable division of property and debts, we are prepared to protect your interests and fight for your rights. Child Custody: The child's best interests should come first and foremost. Let us help negotiate a custody/parenting time arrangement beneficial to the family to avoid future disputes. Child and Spousal Support: Our specialized attorneys can help you with your child and/or spousal support needs. Personal Protection Orders: Whether you are seeking or defending against a Personal Protection Order (PPO), our firm offers you the legal assistance necessary to protect you. 3) Criminal Defense 4) Social Security Disability 5) Bankruptcy 6) Powers of Attorney 7) Translations 8) Notarization