The synagogue was formed by holocaust survivors in 1987 who wanted a synagogue that had no membership dues and serves both the community and vacationers who come to our beautiful beach.
small orthodox synagogue located on Hollywood Beach. It is nestled among the many condominium and rental apartment buildings that line the beaches of Hollywood and Hallandale Beach and is within walking distance of most of the area's residents. The synagogue is supported by a dedicated core of local residents as well as many friends from cities throughout North America who spend part or all of their winter in South Florida. Shacharis, Mincha, and Maariv services are held throughout the year. Seating for the High Holy Days is free of charge, however, reservations are necessary. All services are conducted in a warm, friendly atmosphere, giving the shul a haimish feeling. ArtScroll prayer books, with prayers in Hebrew and an English translation, are used for all services. The synagogue has an active sisterhood that meets monthly during the winter.Each meeting includes a period of study, a time for socializing and the planning of activities for fund raising and for holiday enhancement. Refreshments are served at each meeting and all women are welcome.